How to Make a Jordan Peterson Deepfake

 Jordan Peterson Deepfake

In a memorable Channel 4 News interview, Jordan Peterson clarified his views while countering host Cathy Newman's preconceptions. Throughout the discussion, Cathy made several incorrect assumptions about Peterson’s beliefs, inadvertently contributing to his growing popularity. A clinical psychologist with a background in political science and psychology, Peterson is also the celebrated author of "12 Rules for Life." Esteemed commentators like Camille Paglia regard him as the most prominent Canadian thinker since Marshall McLuhan, while Tyler Cowen recognizes him as a significant intellectual force. Regardless of one’s perspective on his ideology, Peterson’s insights have commanded attention, reshaping many people's viewpoints.

Guide to Making a Jordan Peterson Deepfake

01. Visit and sign up.
02. Select & Upload the video you want Jordan Peterson’s face to be on. (Person A)
03. Download our Premium HD Jordan Peterson Faceset..
04. Upload Jordan Peterson video to Person B.
05. Begin crafting your video; for optimal outcomes, aim for 50,000 iterations (the standard is set at 10,000).
06. After the model training is complete, you can view and download your results. The duration of this process can range from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the video length and the number of iterations selected.

More on Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a figure on YouTube who combines scholarly erudition with a polished demeanor uncommon among internet personalities. As a psychology professor, he leverages his academic acumen to advocate for conservative viewpoints, giving a voice to those who resonate with his perspectives but may lack the platform to express themselves. Named in honor of his Norwegian forebear, Jordan’s early flirtation with politics began through a teenage friendship with Rachel Notley, who would go on to lead Alberta, Canada, as its premier. After high school, he began his higher education journey at Grande Prairie Regional College, studying political science and English literature.

In a revealing 2016 dialogue with Jason Tucker and Jason VandenBeukel, Jordan expressed a critical perspective on his undergraduate education, indicating that his initial learnings were somewhat flawed. This realization spurred his interest in psychology, leading to further academic pursuits and collaborations with notable experts like Dr. Robert Phil and Maurice Dongier. His eclectic research interests spanned a variety of psychology subfields, including personality, psychopharmacology, politics, abnormal psychology, religion, and creativity.

Jordan Peterson's candid discourse on gender identity politics and its legal implications in Canada has garnered him both ardent followers and fierce critics. His lectures have attracted a passionate following, some of whom have been moved to tears by his captivating oratory. However, his controversial opinions have not been without backlash; he faced severe reprimands from the University of Toronto and was notably denied a research grant in early 2017—a decision suspected by many to be a response to his contentious views. Despite this, a successful crowdfunding effort raised $170,000 to support his research initiatives.

As an author, Jordan Peterson has contributed significant literature to the field, including:

  • "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief"
  • "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos"
  • "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life"

Beyond his literary accomplishments, Peterson disseminates his unfiltered insights through his YouTube channel. Among the content is his acclaimed series, "The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories," which delves into the interpretive analysis of biblical narratives. Married since 1989, Jordan is the proud father of two children and continues to influence the discourse on contemporary social issues.